Simple and Efficient

Simple and Efficient

I recently saw the movie Founder, the story of Ray Kroc and McDonald’s. Most of us know the basics of the story. I consider it required viewing for anyone wanting to scale their business. Before Ray Kroc got on the scene, the McDonald brothers made a huge investment of time and energy perfecting the simplicity and efficiency of their business.

Success in Scaling Your Business

Success in Scaling Your Business

First, what does it mean to scale your business, and how does it differ from growing your business?
Consider scaling a business:

“growing sales at an exponential rate while only adding costs incrementally by developing a replicable system for delivering goods and services.”

with simply growing a business:

“increasing sales coupled with increasing costs with little improvement on profit margins.”

The difference is clear

Are you obsessed with your competition? Concerned about encroachment and trying to anticipate their every move?Or, maybe you are blissfully oblivious. You are unaware or unconcerned of others with similar products or services competing for your customers.  

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